Monday, April 18, 2016


Scientific Name:
Mollugo verticillata L.
Local Names:
Papait (Ilok., Pal.)
Other common names:
Amargoso-babi, margoso-damulag (Pamp.); Malagoso, sarsalida (Tag.)
Whole plant for salad, or mixed with sautéed mungbean and egg
Proximate analysis of papait leaves at the Analytical Services Laboratory, CSC-IPB, UPLB had these results: 91.23% moisture, 0.64% fats, 2.87% protein, 2.10% ash, 0.89% fiber, 2.27% NFE, 188.24 mgGAE/100g total phenol. Although very bitter, this plant was highly acceptable during the sensory evaluation conducted at CSC-IPB, UPLB. Papait is usually found growing in the wild (farmlands) especially after rice or after corn. In Tarlac however, some farmers are growing papait and they sell their produce in Urdaneta market and in other parts of the Ilocos Region.
Papait is claimed to be rich in Iron and could be a good source of Calcium. Just like the bittergourd/ ampalaya, this plant also had anti-diabetic property and it is a potential source of natural antioxidants. [1]


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