Monday, April 18, 2016


Scientific Name:
Solanum lasiocarpum Dunal
Local Names:
Balbalosa (Ilok.)
Other common names:
Dabutung, Dagutung (Sul.); Talong-ayam (Bik.); Tagutong (Bis.); Talong-gubat, Talong-talong, Tarambolo, Tarambulo (Tag.)[1]
Fruits as ingredient in pinakbet, salad and in guinataan
Characters of balbalosa include upright growth habit, 28cm average plant height, 29.56cm leaf blade length and 27.74cm width, intermediate leaf blade lobing, obtuse leaf blade tip angle and 11.1cm petiole length. Leaves are covered with hairs and prickly spines. Petiole color was dark violet and leaf blade color was dark green. Most of the flowers opened from 7:15-7:40am though some other flowers opened from 3:00-3:30pm. It took 7-8 days before small fruits were observed and 20-25 days (from flowering) before fruits were harvested for consumption. Other fruit character include: fruit color at commercial ripeness – green; number of fruits per plant – 28; number of fruits per cluster – 3 to 5; weight of harvested fruit per plant – 67.2g; individual fruit weight – 2.4g.


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